Categories: Lowongan Kerja


The Company:
Green Building is a French company working in the consulting and engineering sustainable
building field. Through its experience, Green Building has developed high level skills and know-how in energy efficient, renewable energy, energy recovery, and environmental building project. Green Building is developing in Indonesia projects for new or existing buildings, from 1,500 m2 to 200,000 m2 and is
introducing in Indonesian the eco-district concept.
To support its development in Indonesia, PT Green Building Indonesia Konsultan, the daughter company of Green Building, is looking for an:
“Energy efficient and environmental building engineer / Junior Project Manager”.

Your Mission:
You will work on the most challenging energy efficient and environmental building and district projects.

First you will work as a sustainable building/district design engineer as part of a project team. You will attend customer meetings and site visits, be involved in the sustainable design and do the expected reporting. In parallel, you will be trained to energy audit, energy modeling, green certification, and environmental building issues. The office is in Jakarta and some travels will be planned depending on the project location.

Once you have been trained, and you have proven your qualities and commitment, you will become a Project Manager.

Profile Requested:
 S1 or S2 degree in Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, or Urban Planning and Design from a leading university
 Fresh graduate or 2-3 years experience in energy efficiency, environment or building field
 Strong abilities in understanding physics: thermal, energy, acoustics, lighting, materials, etc.
 Fast learner, curious, and capacity to have a multi field transversal approach and critical thinking
 Good oral and reporting communication skills both in English and Indonesian
 Highly motivated, hard worker, and team worker
 Good command of office suite (Word, Power point, Excel) and of communication tools
 Capability to use / learn drawing software (Auto CAD, SketchUp, etc.)
 Capability to use / learn complex software for acoustic, lighting or energy modeling (Energy plus, Design Builder, Virtual Environment, etc.)
 Maturity, autonomy, and self-discipline to become a Project Manager
 Customer and target oriented

Salary: to negotiate.
Send your application (resume and motivation letter) to

Green me a building®
Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia, 45th floor, Jl. MH Thamrin No 1, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia 10310
Tel: 021 – 2358 5698 – Fax: 021 – 2358 5601 –

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